Wassup Rocker Radio Mixtape #43

The latest Wassup Rocker Radio Video Mixtape #43 featuring Norwegian Rockers Razorbats with their video “Social Rejects.” Up next is a brand new video called “Heavy” on Howlin Banana Records‘ upcoming release by Gloria. To end the mixtape is an all girl band from Nashville called Daddy Issues with their video for “High St.”

Wassup Rocker Radio Mixtape #42

Wassup Rocker Radio Video Mixtape #42 starts out with a garage rock band on Slovenly Recordings called ANMLS with their song “Pacos.” Up next is an exciting punk band out of the UK called White_Trash_Band with their song “Kill the Cool Kids!” To end this week’s video mixtape is loud german garage rockers Bikini Beachwith their video for “The Hell!”